Brand name vs generic
In article .com>,
"Switch" > wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> > In article .com>,
> > "Switch" > wrote:
> >
> > > Generic sux
> >
> > Not always......
> ah! I do buy housebrand, colombian coffee when Im too poor to buy the
> beans I like.
> > and more importantly, it saves money.
> yes it did
> > You just have to learn to pick and choose. A LOT of generics
> > are canned by the same places as the name brands! It's all in the
> > labelling.
> now this Im not know, you ever gotten a string in the grean
> beans?
> an end piece with the stem still on it
In a can of "Green Giant" BRAND, and Del Monte!
Never have yet in the generic. ;-)
> > Same with turkeys. All those "name brand" turkeys come from the SAME
> > turkey farms and the SAME processing plants! They just get bagged with
> > different labels, or special injection treatments to order.
> elaine fixed a KILLER turkey potpie the other night, im good for a
> while in this category.
> --
> Oh sure, I've bought most things generic before; chicken can be the
> worst as far as taste and appearance; I think cheap chickens are
> routinely stressed before they get wrapped.
> but I do appreciate the quality I can trust by paying just a tad more.
> Far as the foods coming off the same assembly line, I don't know about
> this.
> Everyone seems to be using words like, virtually and probably the
> same...
Do some serious label reading.
You will find a lot of the same "plant" codes for canning location
between brands vs. generic.
Some generic pet foods are made by Purina.
> --
> so far every can good I've ever saved 10 cent on is not worth the
> reduction in quality.
> or there is actually less food in the can but more juice you
> know...inevitably there is going to be something less than desireable
> inside the can. The color, or the texture, or a mystery.
So just be pickier. ;-)
And maybe the generics you are buying are crap?
Generics vary from store to store too!
> --
> Toothpaste is definetely not the same
I don't buy regular toothpaste.
I use Nutri-biotic from the health food store.
There is no generic equivalent!
> Medicine is not the same - excluding prescription alternatives, i don't
> have any.
OTC meds are the same.
In fact, the generic ibuprofen works BETTER for me than Advil!
> I buy ibuprofens, I can't stand the generic ver of just
> does not work on me like
> Advil brand does. The pills are even harder to swallow.
Try the caplets.
Sorry, but that is one that works better (for me) and is about 1/2 the
> --
> I think most of us could do a blind comparison and pick out the shitty
> generic versions.
> like when you blind taste test the green beans and you put a big stem
> in your would know that was the generic version.
You got a bad can of beans.
Switch stores!
"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson