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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Brand name vs generic

Switch wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
> Toothpaste is definetely not the same

Yes it is, it's all Colgate or P & G, but with different flavoring and
coloring and of course packaging... naturally they don't make up their
new proprietary types in store brand/generic versions... that's why
those store brands/generics are only available in limited selections.
Soaps and other products the same.

> Medicine is not the same - excluding prescription alternatives, i don't
> have any.

Prescription meds are exactly the same chemically as generics, BUT,
that's where all similarity ends, the generic *delivery sytems* are not
anywhere equal to the brand names... many of the generics aren't even
available in coated and/or time release versions, and generic tablets
are not compressed as well, they're made on cheap/old machinery, they
dissolve all at once, they are not effective. Always ask your doctor
to write for brand name drugs and tick off the DAW box... you really
aren't saving any money with the generics if they don't work. Many
doctors have a depression mentality when it comes to prescribing, they
are always looking to save you a few bucks on meds... tell them instead
to charge you less for your exam, in fact many doctor visits are
totally unecessersary, when your only reason for being there is to
obtain a renewal scrip... there's no need to have to pay for what
amounts to a social call. If your doctors really cared about your
pocketbook they'd give you a good supply of free samples, they get
tons. You'd also be surprised at how many MDs are silent partners in
owning the local pharmacies.

With certain drugs generics are fine, like salves, creams, and gels,
things that come in tubes that you apply yourself, and even liquid meds
you simply pour into a spoon. But with tablets/capsules brand names
are in almost all cases much more effective.

> I can't stand the generic ver of just
> does not work on me like
> Advil brand does. The pills are even harder to swallow.

See above.
