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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default Brand name vs generic

Stan Horwitz wrote:
> "Switch" > wrote:
> > Generic sux

> It depends on the item! Some generic items can be pretty good. For
> example, the store brand canned peas at the ShopRite where I shop are
> every bit as good as the DelMonte brand, but about thirty cents cheaper.

Store brands are NOT generic... it's the store BRAND! What's the
matter with you.

There have always been store brands, just that they were smaller
packers than the big national brands. The smaller packers would give
exclusivity to certain stupidmarket chains, like White Rose, S & W,
etal. Often those brands are superior to the big national brands...
it's really a case of some national brands being more national than
others. It's only in the past few years that large chains began
putting their own label on products... who knew stupidmarkets were here
to stay, let alone grow so huge. And many local brands are far, far
better than any of the big national brands, especially dairy

But again, store brands are NOT generic... generic is when you buy
powdered milk in that plain white box, has no brand whatsoever...
happens to be just as good as Carnation (cost only a few pennies less
too), but very few generic food products are as good as branded
products. I buy the generic powdered milk, it's the only generic food
I buy... I'm sure it's Carnation, even the packaging is exactly
identical. But I do buy many store brand foods and find them equal if
not better than the big national brands. Any of the generic canned
goods I've tried are awful.
