Brand name vs generic
OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
<snip & tacking onto>
> Okay, that is a couple of areas where I have to agree with Sheldon.
> I'd not be caught dead with generic TP! It's Cottonelle or Scott.
The store brand TP is just fine but if Cottonelle is on sale we stock
up. We basically shop the sales for these types of items anyway so only
use store brand if we are waiting for a sale.
> For ziplock freezer and sandwich bags, I have found the store brand
> (generic) to be just fine tho'.
Absolutely, no way would I *ever* use generic zip freezer bags. I did
that one year for a large batch of stewed tomatoes. The bags burst and
not only did we waste the food, we had to clean the freezer. Never
again! I use *only* ziploc freezer bags. Generic sandwich bags are
fine as is generic cling wrap, wax paper, and parchment paper.
> Paper towels. Generic is crap.
> I use "Brawny" and get them in the 12 pack. A roll of those lasts 3
> times as long as the generic (and yes I bought some to compare once!) so
> if it's half the price, it's not worth it!
We use generic for a couple of reasons. In most cases they are cheaper
and we don't use a lot anyway.
> I shop around. If a name brand really out-performs a generic, I stick
> with the name brand.
I tend to be a brand name snob as one poster put it *but* it is because
of the way I shop to begin with. I don't buy things like canned soups,
packaged mixes, canned fruits or vegetables, packaged deli meats, etc.
The majority of our grocery money is spent in the produce section
followed by the dairy section. The next sizable amount is spent in the
frozen food section for some types of seafood and occasionally a package
of frozen vegetables if I didn't put up enough. Right now I'm playing
with hot sauces and mustards, so those are brand names as are the other
types of sauces for Asian cooking. I'm really picky about my oils and
while I've found a couple of adequate generic oils, I only by brand name
olive oils.
> I also use generic trash bags.
I re-use grocery bags generously donated from others for garbage. I'm
not about to buy bags to toss stuff out!