Danish Counter-boycott
zxcvbob > wrote in
> But here's the
> key: Were they violent demonstrations? If so (and I serously
> doubt it), how widespread were they?
Why are you so intent on bringing this back to violence, as though the
Western world has not caused violence to Islam time and time again? If
you tally up the violence to Islam by Westerners and the violence to
Westerners by Islam, I think you'll find they still have a lot of
wiggle room before the scales are even.
I think you have to ask yourself, who at this juncture, stands to
benefit the most from these series of events? Motive is everything and
some people's ship of state has recently sprung a leak.
"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why
the poor have no food, they call me a communist."
Dom Helder Camara