Dave Smith wrote:
> Three cheers for Denmark. They did nothing wrong. The people
> have no control over the newspaper than published the
> offensive cartoons, and no one but a whacked Muslim would
> even take offence. The crime of the Danish government was to
> refuse to intervene because it is a matter of freedom of
> speech. As a result, the Muslims are revolting ....again,
> and calling for a boycott of Danish products.
> We owe it to our Danish friends and to ourselves to run a
> counter boycott. Maybe the Moslems will stop these silly
> protests if they backfire on them.
> If you have children, go out and get them a Lego set. If
> they already have on, by an expansions kit for it. Get some
> Danish Blue cheese or some Havarti. If you want some beer
> for the Super Bowl tomorrow, get some Tubourg or Faxe. If
> you are having wings with the beer, make some Blue Cheese
> dressing with Danish blue.
>From chi.general:
"First we can write our own Senators and President. President is at
www.whitehouse.gov Senators are easy to google.
[Canadians and others can do the same...]
The Danish Embassy is emailable at
and the Prime Minister
is at
In addition, there are multiple web sites with Danish Goods listed. Buy
Denmark!! A few sites are
The last one is in Chicago on Clark in Andersonville. Then there are
all the
Danish furniture stores!! And much of our ribs come from Denmark."