Thread: Tea pods
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mlbriggs mlbriggs is offline
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Default Tea pods

On Mon, 06 Feb 2006 20:43:15 -0800, Pat wrote:

> Some tea companies have begun manufacturing tea pods for making tea in
> Home Cafe coffee-brewing machines. The pods seem to be rather
> expensive, and I have my doubts as to how they could possibly make a
> better cup of tea than good quality tea leaves - except it might be a
> few minutes faster. I also have some concerns about using the same
> appliance for making coffee and tea. Wouldn't the coffee smell
> permeate the machine and taint the tea?
> It did occur to me, though, that tea pods might prove to be a good
> solution for restaurants, who seem incapable of preparing tea properly
> using conventional methods.
> Has anyone tried any tea made from pods, and if so, what did you think
> of it?

My "Mr. Coffee" only makes the hot water. I use separate pots for the
tea and coffee. If I see a package of pods, I would like to try it. My
machine is for 4-cups. MLB