Wine Critics
John LaCour wrote:
> I'm a long time lurker and occassionly but rare poster.
> Like many of you, I do read the reviews / tasting notes / scores from
> various wine critics. What I have yet to do is understand the
> difference in preferences between the critics and come to an
> understanding which one(s) my personal preferences are aligned with.
I think that "understanding which one(s) [your] personal preferences are
aligned with" is exactly what you should do. If you know of someone who
likes the same things you do, you can buy what he recommends with confidence
that you will probably like it too.
> So some questions for this group:
> - Which wine critics are the best judges of quality wine in your
> opinion?
> - How would you describes the differences in preferences of, say,
> Parker vs. Suckling?
But those two questions don't seem to gibe with your statement above. If you
want to find a critic whose tastes match yours, it shouldn't matter which
ones anyone else thinks are best, or what the differences are between any
Ken Blake
Please reply to the newsgroup
> I plan to do a blind tasting with my tasting group of wines where
> critics seemed
> to disagree on the quality of the wine. I imagine I'll need to some
> some extensive research to find representative samples.
> - Are there any wines that come to mind where different critics rated
> them quite differently?
> Thanks,
> John