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L'Espérance L'Espérance is offline
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Posts: 90
Default Test: Bean Sprouts

Jude wrote:

> L'Espérance wrote:
>>Thanks Jude. Here's how I do bean sprouts. You can use any beans you
>>want. I just happen to prefer mung beans. Rinse the beans then pour
>>into an opague container such as a sour cream container. Cover with
>>warm water, put the lid on just to cover but not tight, set aside for an
>>hour or two. Drain and set container into dark cabinet. Keep the lid
>>on but not tight to help preserve humidity level in the container.
>>Rinse once or twice daily. Let sprouts grow to desired height. Rinse
>>and use for stir fries, salads, or sandwiches. If you start another
>>container a couple of days later you can have a continuous supply of
>>bean sprouts. Enjoy

> Wow, that does sound easy!
> If my BF complains about yet another foodie project going in our home,
> can I blame it on you? =)

You sure can While you're at it you should start some sourdough
starter. That way your BF will be so interested in the bubbling mix, he
might just forget about the bean sprouts. Once he tastes the fresh
sprouts he will love this foodie project!