Tubbies Rejoice At New Fat Freedom: Study
In rec.food.cooking Anthony > wrote:
: Peter Aitken wrote:
:> What an exceptionally stupid article. The research findings said only that
:> lowering fat in the diet does not reduce the incidence of certain diseases.
:> It said nothing at all about the health risks of being fat.
:> --
:> Peter Aitken
: Exactly. Moderate weight, varied diet, regular exercise improve
: quality of life which, IMO, is more important than longevity. BTW the
: study has Dean Ornish, high priest of low fat, firmly in denial; he
: said that the study was too short (Eight years!!) and that the calories
: from fat, 20%, for the low fat group was too high. As I recall he
: recommends something like max of 10% calories from fat, which would
: definitely not be a diet I'd like to try for the long haul!
The low-fat participants never reached 20%: according to the NYT
they started at about 24% and had gotten to 29% by study's end.
But why all this serious discussion about a spoof?