Maybe seven famous Yunnan tea mountains
With permission from Danny here is the correct Chinese characters he
sent me in email.
1. Nan Nuo 南糯
2. Meng Hai 勐海
3. Ba Da 巴达
4. Jing Mai 景迈
5. Nan Qiao 南峤
6. Meng Song 勐宋
Notice my list of guesses was 50% correct which is better than 50%
PS: For the woo-woo guy I throw in 无量山 Wu Liang Shan for free.
Danny wrote:
> Jim,
> didn't you receive my email 2 nites ago on the chinese characcters?
> "Space Cowboy" > wrote in message
> Hey Danny,
> When you get the chance check my Chinese characters against your
> Pinyin. I'd not sure of the Ba:
>1. Nan Nuo 南糯
>2. Meng Hai 勐海
>3. Ba Da 八大
>4. Jing Mai 景迈
>5. Nan Qiao(Jian) 南涧
>6. Meng Song 孟松
> Thanks,
> Jim
> samarkand wrote:
> > That is the problem.
> >
> > Many people focus so much on the famous six mountains that produce pu'er
> > they have forgotten that there are many other areas that produced this
> > tea.
> >
> > The Lan Cang river runs through Xishuangbanna; the tea producing region
> > north of the river are the famous six mountains that we know, and often
> > considered as 'traditional' pu'er producing regions.
> >
> > However, south of the river has also 6 famous tea mountains, and these are
> > mostly where the oldest and possibly the cradle of tea plants are.
> >
> > They a
> >
> > 1. Nan Nuo
> > 2. Meng Hai
> > 3. Ba Da
> > 4. Jing Mai
> > 5. Nan Qiao
> > 6. Meng Song
> >
> > These are the famous tea mountains of the south, but there are others,
> > such
> > as Ai Lao Shan, Wu Liang Shan, Da Xue Shan, etc etc etc, the list goes on.
> >
> > Danny