Tubbies Rejoice At New Fat Freedom: Study
Buncha morons.
The fact that a low-fat diet won't improve your risk for several
diseases is not justification for eating anything and everythng.
BEING a fat ******* will STILL kill you.
Oh, and this part is grand:
''It allows liberal consumption of fat, but requires
followers to carefully keep track of total calories from fat on a daily
basis. The diet allows not more than 80 calories from fat a day, no
an individual's physical size,"''
That's got to be a typo. 80 calories is about 11 grams of fat, and
about 5% of a person's daily calories.
The fact is, people are eating too much, period, and eating too much
fat is a big part of that.
So for all those fat ****s out there who think this is carte blanche,
forget it. Get your diet under control and exercise.