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modom[_1_] modom[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 382
Default A picture of my dinner

On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 14:24:02 GMT, jay > wrote:

>On Wed, 08 Feb 2006 13:50:28 +0000, Doug Kanter wrote:
>> it's easy to find better options.

>What are they?? at night in a residential kitchen. Can you even turn the
>flash off of the cheap cameras?

Actually I had to turn the flash on! And the camera is a pretty
expensive one, to boot. But thanks for the defense anyway.

As a working visual artist and a teacher, I was well aware of the
relative quality of the photo I posted. I made some decisions about
the technology and the meal and the image and offered what I offered
with fairly clear idea of what I was doing. I didn't tidy the plate
or check the white balance or anything like that. The aim was to
present a rough and ready document of some stuff I'd made and was
about to eat. Prettyfication seemed to run counter to that aim.

Doug's suggestion that I educate myself seemed to be rather like the
man who tasted a cup of tea and complained that it was really bad
coffee. Except in this case it also presumed that I was ignorant, and
that presumption was an error of a different sort.
