Who are you...?
>Then why can't you do the same here? And this answer of yours evades the
..>basic questions. Why can't you ever post anything here without taking
>shots - and excusing yourself from when you posts nastiness?
Bobby boy,
I have been posting in this group for many years and I remember
vividly that the only people I offended are the shallow ones; therefore
this led me to ask .... Does it mean you are one of them?...
If it happen.... you have not read any of my post ...I was wondering
if you are wearing horse blinkers with your reading glasses ...?
But there is a saying....its difficult to wake up a person that is
already awake but pretending to be asleep...nor to show something
important to a person who is disinterested it.
Its up to you choose where do you belong...
>You obviously have a great deal of knowledge, yet you cheapen all those
>years of study and experience by taking unnecessary shots at people -
>people who aren't trying to engage you in dispute. I think it's
>unfortunate that you spend even a moment doing this.
If I happen to have such knowledge..(but I don't claim such..)..It
is just if I know certain answer to a question of a certain poster
then why withheld it when I cannot carry the answer (or that knowledge)
to my grave....?
..I don't think that offending petty people degraded my value....in
the same manner that stained gold coin does not reduces its worth ...it
is still real GOLD ..inside.
I am still the same guy who happens to know the t answers to many
difficult questions
Besides dispute and argument add pizzazz....to a sometimes boring
group in certain times it become stale due to lack of post... why
hide the fireworks.display ..when its occasionally seen?