Who are you...?
chembake wrote:
>>Then why can't you do the same here? And this answer of yours evades the
>>basic questions. Why can't you ever post anything here without taking
>>shots - and excusing yourself from when you posts nastiness?
> Bobby boy,
> I have been posting in this group for many years and I remember
> vividly that the only people I offended are the shallow ones; therefore
> this led me to ask .... Does it mean you are one of them?...
See, this is exactly what I'm talking about. Precisely, exactly,
completely what I'm talking about
Say smug, nasty shit and then excuse yourself for it. As though it
somehow demonstrates anything but a crippled and cramped mind. As though
it were reasonable and useful to behave this way.
This whole post from you is utterly unnecessary. Offers no information.
Only promotes the supercilious nastiness you seem to think is the
hallmark of civilized discourse. Or your discourse, anyway.
> If it happen.... you have not read any of my post ...I was wondering
> if you are wearing horse blinkers with your reading glasses ...?
> But there is a saying....its difficult to wake up a person that is
> already awake but pretending to be asleep...
<LOL> Not only nasty and a blowhard, but an inventor of "sayings." Bwah...
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't grow moss on a rock. Oh,
look. I invented a "saying" just as meaningful.
Or maybe a Zen sort of question like "What is the sound of one hand
clapping." Here we go... "Which is quicker, to New York or by train?"
Phony locutions like you're trying to foist off as substantial, collapse
under their own weight of bullshit. You can't excuse your petty
vulgarity with "sayings."
> nor to show something
> important to a person who is disinterested it.
> Its up to you choose where do you belong...
Oh, right. Reading your ugly malice is "something important." I can
assure you, I'm "disinterested" in your continuing viciousness and
gratuitous self-congratulations.
Could you actually believe that your pointless insults are "something
important?" Really...?
>>You obviously have a great deal of knowledge, yet you cheapen all those
>>years of study and experience by taking unnecessary shots at people -
>>people who aren't trying to engage you in dispute. I think it's
>>unfortunate that you spend even a moment doing this.
> If I happen to have such knowledge..(but I don't claim such..)..
Of course you do. Your false humility rings no more true than your
shabby insults. You claim it in this post when you talk about "something
important" coming from you. That you put out wisdom, and "petty" people
miss it.
You seem to think that not calling you on your trivial viciousness is
somehow to endorse it. That if people don't protest, it means they like
it. It's more like you'll be gratuitously nasty no matter what anyone
says, so it's useless to even try to say anything to you. That you're so
convinced of your exalted place, that you can say anything and everyone
will admire you for it. How astonishingly self-deluding.
> It
> is just if I know certain answer to a question of a certain poster
> then why withheld it when I cannot carry the answer (or that knowledge)
> to my grave....?
No reason. That's the whole point that is slipping past you. That
sharing that knowledge marks the civilized man. But, then you say stuff
> ..I don't think that offending petty people degraded my value....
So only petty people will find your verbal vomit offensive? My how
wonderfully self-forgiving. And self-defining: if people find your
illiterate rantings offensive, they're automatically "petty."
My how imperious you are... "Let them eat cake..."
< in
> the same manner that stained gold coin does not reduces its worth ...it
> is still real GOLD ..inside.
But looks like shit outside and needs a good scouring to remove the
stains before it can assume it's true value.
> I am still the same guy who happens to know the t answers to many
> difficult questions
> ....
> Besides dispute and argument add pizzazz....to a sometimes boring
> group in certain times it become stale due to lack of post... why
> hide the fireworks.display ..when its occasionally seen?
How completely full of crap a thing to say.
So let me see if I understand you... Only shallow people find your
diatribes offensive. And that blind people are the ones that don't grasp
your great depths. And that there are sayings that forgive your
egregious word-violence. And that saying nasty stuff that offended
"petty" people (implying that everyone else just loooves your stylings)
doesn't diminish the value you bring to the group. (And besides, you
post lots of nice things to other groups, you seem to also imply.) And
that your vast storehouse of malice somehow adds "pizazz" to otherwise
civil discussion. "Fireworks" you say.
I once had a man make a reservation in one of my restaurants for 25 and
not show up. I called him and asked what happened. He said, "These
things happen." As though he wasn't totally responsible for it. Just
like you. As though it's somehow just another thing that happens and no
one is really responsible.
You're responsible for your own actions, even though you try to minimize
that fact.