Thread: Soul Food
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OmManiPadmeOmelet[_1_] OmManiPadmeOmelet[_1_] is offline
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Default Soul Food

In article >,
"Michael \"Dog3\" Lonergan" > wrote:

> "Bob Terwilliger" > hitched up their panties
> and posted :
> > Michael contributed:
> >
> >>>> I've never had collards. Is there anything they taste sorta like?
> >>>> Beet greens? Chard?
> >>>> Janet
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Mustard greens aren't they? A neighbour marinates them in coca cola
> >>> for an hour or so then drains and cooks them. There not bad, not
> >>> completely to my taste but i could see how a person would like them,
> >>> she does her ham the same way with the cola but for a longer period
> >>> 24 hours or so and that is just superb.
> >>>
> >>> Especially when she serves it with from scratch corn bread made with
> >>> bacon grease iirc and black eyed peas.
> >>> ---
> >>> JL
> >>>
> >>
> >> Collards are great. They have to be cleaned well. I'll boil up a
> >> bunch but put some bacon in them. Sometimes I'll just sprinkle on
> >> some Balsamic.

> >
> > They're not difficult to clean at all; they don't have lots of little
> > crevices like some other vegetables. Most of the time you also have to
> > cut out the stem; it's too fibrous to eat. I like to cook collards
> > with just a bit of water, salt, dry mustard, hot pepper flakes, and
> > garlic. In terms of taste, I think chard is the closest comparison,
> > though chard isn't as hearty as collards.
> >
> > Bob

> You have just posted a wonderful method to cook them. Thanks.
> Michael


You NEED all that just to give them some flavor!

Om -> obviously not a collard fan.....
Peace, Om.

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