Thread: [OT] King Cobra
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Elaine Jones Elaine Jones is offline
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Default [OT] King Cobra

Quoting from message >
posted on 9 Feb 2006 by Mike Roebuck
I would like to add:

> Purchased my first two bottles of this beer today. This is the 8%
> bottle-conditioned lager (sister to Cobra) which starts its life in
> Poland and gets trucked to Rodenbach in Belgium, where it's
> re-fermented and bottled in typical Belgian-style corked champagne
> bottles, presumably by Palm. It cost me £3.99 a bottle.
> Much to my annoyance, Selfridges were billing it as exclusive to them,
> so it looks like it will be a takeaway curry I'll be drinking it with
> (or a home-made one).

It's certainly not exclusive to Selfridges - but at that price it may
finish up being so; we had a courtesy bottle at our local restaurant
in Llangollen a few weeks ago. The proprietor said that he couldn't
sell it at less than £6 or £7 (can't remember precisely).

We will still be drinking the standard Cobra with our restaurant meals
or, if cooked at home, a guttsie Ausie Shiraz, Lebanese (sorry can't
remember the details) or IPA.

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