Sheldon wrote:
> I don't think ginger is compatable with yeast breads, especially not
> the strong yeastiness of sourdough... the two Alpha/Machismo flavors
> clash, mano y mano. However, ginger is good with quick breads.. I've
> often added grated ginger to muffins, especially good in raisin bran
> muffins. Naturally gingerbread contains no yeast either, neither
> ginger snaps.... ginger snaps make an excellent crust for cheesecake,
> as will candied ginger added to the cheese mixture, and/or blended with
> pineapple jam as a topping.
> Sheldon
yeah, you're right. I think the flavors just didn't go together as well as I
had hoped. But live and learn I say.
Step off, beyotches, I'm the roflpimp!