Tonight's Dinner 09/02/2006
L'Espérance wrote:
> I did reply to Jude's post indicating there was no need to apologize. I'm
> not trying to appear more interesting or anything but privacy is a
> concern. You never know to whom you sharing ideas with on usenet so I'd
> rather avoid any problems *before* they happen. I'm posting menus of what
> we are eating each night to help keep me motivated in helping DH's weight
> loss. Nothing more, nothing less. Where I live doesn't matter as *most*
> of what I post could be found worldwide.
I think the thing which prompted the curiosity about your location was the
menus you posted, especially the fact that you're serving fresh
strawberries. Here in Northern California (or *am* I really there? :-) local
strawberries won't be available for a couple months, and we're better off
than most of the rest of the Northern Hemisphere. The original query might
have been simply wondering whether you lived south of the equator. Of
course, the possibility exists that you bought those genetically-engineered
red cottony things that masquerade as strawberries in supermarkets. Can't
stand those things myself; if they're not in season and they're not local,
then they're not good enough for my table.