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zxcvbob zxcvbob is offline
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Default storing/freezing tomatoes

aem wrote:
> OmManiPadmeOmelet wrote:
>>You will lose texture. Big time!
>>I'd suggest you learn to can.......
>>Tomatoes are one of the easiest things in the world to can. :-)

> Oh, come on. We know you are an expert canner, but that doesn't mean
> we think you are able to can tomatoes without radically changing their
> texture. :-)
> Freezing is for the rest of us, and in a case like this it's far
> easier, probably safer (since we don't know how to can), and produces
> a very similar result. -aem

Canning destroys the texture, although I'm working on that (calcium
chloride, etc.) Freezing gives them a nasty texture, although if you
cook them enough afterwards the texture goes away.

Frozen tomatoes almost taste fresh (except for the nasty texture.)
Canned tomatoes taste cooked.
