Thread: Menu Planning
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OmManiPadmeOmelet[_1_] OmManiPadmeOmelet[_1_] is offline
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Default Menu Planning

In article >,
George > wrote:

> L'Espérance wrote:
> > How many do this in advance? Menu planning is not my forte basically
> > being finally acomplished by lunch time most days. It just doesn't
> > happen unless we are have an event. I'm envious of those who can sit
> > down and do a week's worth of menus at a time. DH's trying to drop a
> > few pounds so I figure reduce the red meat, increase the fruits and
> > veggetables even though we eat a lot of those already, and rely more on
> > fish for protein. Still coming up with a week's worth of menus would be
> > very difficult.

> I do the grocery shopping and tend to use the "European" method. I take
> a look at the meat counter and see what the featured items are and then
> check the produce to see what looks good. Then I buy what looks good and
> whatever incidental items are necessary items to prepare them. Obviously
> this works best in stores that have a real meat department.

That's kinda what I do. :-)
I plan meals during the week around what I have on hand. I plan meals
based on my mood the day before and make sure the meat is thawed since I
cook meat with _every_ meal.

I buy what is on sale or affordable, or looks good.

When the mood strikes, I'll splurge (like on fresh live crab) and plan a
couple of days ahead of time for whatever fancy veggies (or not) I might
want with it.

I have some jumbo shrimp out thawing right now. I'll sautee' those in
some butter and olive oil with just a smidgin of garlic powder and lemon
pepper, then toss some chopped asparagus and sliced mushrooms into the
pan to be sautee'd separately.

I'll add the cooked shrimp back to them when they are done, then serve
that mess over some raw baby spinach leaves.

The heat will cook them slightly.
Peace, Om.

"My mother never saw the irony in calling me a son-of-a-bitch." -Jack Nicholson