What should I buy at TJ's?
Jude sez:
> Well, they fibnally opened the Trader Joe's in Newport News. We're
> throwing a cooler in the trunk and heading up there tomorrow to stock
> up.
> What's your favorite item from TJ's that I shouldn't come home without?
If you're a baker, I recommend the Rumford non-aluminum baking powder
(large size); King Arthur All-Purpose flour (best price around); organic
dark molasses, organic powdered sugar, organic brown sugar; and the
almond meal. For other culinary endeavors, I find the 29 oz. cans (TJ's
label) of whole, peeled plum tomatoes (I use the no-salt variety) to be
of good quality and a screamin' deal at $ .99 per can. The tomatoes are
not watery like similar supermarket brands, and the juice is well, um,
"Mind the runner beans!"