What should I buy at TJ's?
Jude wrote:
> Well, they fibnally opened the Trader Joe's in Newport News. We're
> throwing a cooler in the trunk and heading up there tomorrow to stock
> up.
> What's your favorite item from TJ's that I shouldn't come home without?
I love the shrimp fried rice
the smooth and mellow coffee is good and just recently I bought a box of
strawberries that are stuffed with a cream cheese filling and then
dipped in white chocolate YUM!
Other than that I buy wine there...some of the dried pastas are really
good. The whole wheat bagels are good. ummm yeah, there's lotsa yummy
stuff! lol Love TJ's (and I go to the one in Newport News -
unfortunatly, if you are going on the weekend you should be prepared for
a crowd....guess it's still a new thing)
Roberta (in VA)