That's a curry with chicken breast chunks in it. I marinated the
chicken in Thai red curry paste, fish sauce, lime juice, ginger,
turmeric, store-bought curry powder, and cumin. The breasts went into
a baking dish and the remaining marinade went into a pan in which were
sweating mushrooms, diced onion, and a little diced bell pepper. Also
added to the pan: chicken stock, a little more red curry paste, more
ginger, more fish sauce, and some coconut milk. After it was reduced,
I tossed in three kaffir lime leaves, and it became the sauce for the
chicken I'd chunked (post roasting to juicy doneness).
It was an eventful day, fraught with potential tragedy and derring do.
Our old, senile dachshund Nellie (never to be confused with young,
boisterous Lefty) almost drowned in the pool. I was diddling in my
studio when I heard a commotion out back. I checked out the window
and saw D sloshing up the pool steps with a bundle in her hands. The
temp was about 45F outside and the pool water was surely not much
above that. Nellie had apparently fallen in. She has arthritis in
all four legs, and she never was much of a swimmer anyhow. D just
happened to look out the bedroom window in time to see her struggling
in the cold water. By the time I got to any position to help, D was
rubbing Nellie with a big towel in the kitchen. I took over the
rubbing while my woman warrior put on dry things. Eventually, I
switched to a hair drier because the towel was soaked.
Nellie is currently hunkered in a dog bed in front of a small electric
space heater. She's breathing okay now, and isn't shivering any more.
Poor old thing. I think she'll be okay. And what a hero D is!