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Dinner -- a picture, yet again and a dog's tale
modom wrote:
> It was an eventful day, fraught with potential tragedy and derring do.
> Our old, senile dachshund Nellie (never to be confused with young,
> boisterous Lefty) almost drowned in the pool. I was diddling in my
> studio when I heard a commotion out back. I checked out the window
> and saw D sloshing up the pool steps with a bundle in her hands. The
> temp was about 45F outside and the pool water was surely not much
> above that. Nellie had apparently fallen in. She has arthritis in
> all four legs, and she never was much of a swimmer anyhow. D just
> happened to look out the bedroom window in time to see her struggling
> in the cold water. By the time I got to any position to help, D was
> rubbing Nellie with a big towel in the kitchen. I took over the
> rubbing while my woman warrior put on dry things. Eventually, I
> switched to a hair drier because the towel was soaked.
> Nellie is currently hunkered in a dog bed in front of a small electric
> space heater. She's breathing okay now, and isn't shivering any more.
> Poor old thing. I think she'll be okay. And what a hero D is!
> modom
Why isn't your pool fenced. Sheesh!