In article >,
cathy > wrote:
> ludicrousness of the question, I feel it's an insult to me - do I look
> so decrepit that they genuinely think I =need= help?
Well, shoot! Take 'em up on it! Let them carry that half gallon of
milk to your car for you. Call their bluff and see what happens.
> And it's an insult to the checker - why can't the store trust their
> employees to use common sense
Because common sense is no longer a common commodity. I'm guessing they
don't pay the employee to think; they pay the employee to follow
established procedures.
> - ask the question if there's a =large= order,
But that would require some discernment on the part of the cashier --
they would have to wrestle with the notion of what constitutes a large
order: number of items or size of the bill. More than one bag? More
than 7 items? The employee would have to think - and they're not paid
to think. More's the pity.
> or the customer is elderly and might need the help. Let the employee
> assess the situation. Its not rocket science. I've complained several
> times and have been told "it's company policy".
Then that's the answer. It's their policy. If it is so vexing shop
elsewhere. Trade convenience for peace. Change what you can. Accept
what you cannot change. Be serene. "-)
--, updated 2-11-2006, Sausage Roll Ups