What should I buy at TJ's?
"Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
> "Dee Randall" > hitched up their panties and posted
> :
>> "Michael "Dog3" Lonergan" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>> "Jude" > hitched up their panties and posted
>>> oups.com:
>>>> Well, they fibnally opened the Trader Joe's in Newport News. We're
>>>> throwing a cooler in the trunk and heading up there tomorrow to stock
>>>> up.
>>>> What's your favorite item from TJ's that I shouldn't come home without?
>>> Dried fruit, and fish. I find the salmon to be exceptional.
>>> Michael
>> I like their frozen cod (not salted), too.
>> I used it once with the bag of cioppino to make cioppino.
>> Dee Dee
> Their frozen salmon and dried fruit make a wonderful dinner. I love the
> place. It's not a place to buy staples buts that is JMO.
> Michael
Thanks for the heads-up on salmon. I keep loads of dried fruit in the
house. Tell me what you do with frozen salmon and dried fruit.
Thanks so much.
Dee Dee