grocery stores mandatory "courtesy"
Chuck wrote:
> On Sun, 12 Feb 2006 01:56:13 GMT, cathy >
> wrote:
> >why can't the store trust their employees to
> >use common sense
> This is 2006... common sense was lost a few generations back.
> Chuck ( in SC)
The clerks only work there. The store management has decided it is a
courteous thing in these rude times to call you by name and ask if you
need help. So the employees do what they are told. I sure don't think
we should be snotty to the employees for doing what the boss tells them
to. Hasn't your boss ever had you do something you didn't like?
Be courteous to the employees. If you want to complain tell management.
If you want to shop there let it roll off your back. If not go
someplace else .