On 11 Feb 2006 17:18:53 -0800, in rec.food.cooking, KevinS wrote:
>Jude wrote on February 11, 2006:
>> What's your favorite item from TJ's that I shouldn't come home without?
>To round this out, there is a current thread on Chowhound's General
>Topics board (first post was on 2/10) entitled ""What's BAD at Trader
And a couple on 'What should I buy at TJ's' -- several people recommended
the frozen Chocolate Mousse cake. I'm going when I'm in Indiana next week,
but mainly to buy wine and beer for my brother -- I've already ordered
stuff online that will fill a suitcase! I will get the cake though to
share with family there.
Doug Weller --
Doug & Helen's Dogs
A Director and Moderator of The Hall of Ma'at
Doug's Archaeology Site: