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Pandora Pandora is offline
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Default Plait bread of now.

"Dee Randall" > ha scritto nel messaggio
> "Pandora" > wrote in message
> ...
>> "Melba's Jammin'" > ha scritto nel
>> messaggio ...
>>> In article >,
>>> "Pandora" > wrote:
>>>> I have made this "Plait bread" (we call it Pane treccia) with sourdough
>>>> ,
>>>> eggs and flour.
>>>> Over a part of it I have put sesame seeds.
>>> Nice picture (I only looked at one). I don't often make a braided
>>> (plaited) loaf but will often take only two lengths of dough and twist
>>> them. I like to do it with one length whole wheat and the other white.
>>> Something different for entertaining myself. :-)

>> Ohhhhh!! It's a good Idea!!! Thank you! At Easter I will make a Braided
>> bred three coloured
>> P.s Isn't correct "Plait bread", as I have called it?
>> Cheers
>> Pandora
>>> --
>>>, updated 2-11-2006, Sausage Roll Ups

> Pandora, I recall the word 'plait' being in use in my childhood,
> 1940-1950.
> Example: "Let me plait your hair."
> I believe this word is not used as much anymore. Usually people say -
> Example: "Let me braid your hair."

Oh I understand. So I must say a "braid bread" or " braided bread" ( BTW a
> Your bread is absolutely beautiful. The photos are wonderful, too.

Thank you! I have sent 2 others in my previous post. You will see the
internal of the read and a bottle of Barbera )

> Pandora, if you do decide to post your pictures at the other food group, I
> encourage you to still post them here.

Thank you. But why? Coudn't I post same pic in both NG?

> I usually make my bread free form as you are showing here, but today I
> splurged for my Valentine's day present and took advantage of free
> shipping and a sale to buy this bread pan. I usually don't get excited
> over a bread pan, but I am excited over this one. I hope it will live up
> to my expectation.

And what is the difference between this and a common plumcake pan?
I would prefer to make without pan, because the shape is much more

> Happy bread baking,

The same to you )

> Dee Dee