Jude wrote:
> Roberta wrote:
>>>Roberta, if you're ever going to the NN TJ's, maybe we can meet up and
>>>shop/chat/do lunch! That is, unless you're afraid of me figuring out
>>>where you live during the course of the conversation... =)
>>That sounds like fun
Nah, I'm not to afraid of you figuring out
>>where I live. I don't have an attack dog - but I do have 2 kids that
>>are just about as rabid LOL
>>I'm at Trader Joe's all the time it seems
It's my new addiction.
>>Feel free to e-mail me at roberta dot ward at gmail.com
>>Roberta (in VA)
> I have a feeling the once-a-month to once-every-six-weeks Trader Joe's
> trip ain't gonna be my reality. That tunnel's going to see a lot more
> of me!
> I'll email you next month when I head up there again.
sounds like a plan
I am very lucky - I would say I am less than 10-15 minutes away. I am
there at least once a week *G*
Roberta (in VA)