What should I buy at TJ's?
Dee Randall wrote:
> I didn't find any TJ's (fresh) beef - do you mean frozen? The fresh meat I
> saw was chicken and pork. I buy fresh (naturally grown) beef at Whole
> Foods.
> Thanks, I'll look for fresh Dolmas - I assume they are in the produce
> department? Do you know this is a regular product and at most stores?
Yeah TJs brand fresh beef. It's great. TJs also sells the fancy beef
too.. niemen ranch, which is awesome. I think both are naturally grown,
range fed, organic, whatever.
I think I'm a Dolmas kick. They have it in the shelves and by the
sushi. (Jarred and fresh.)
I don't know if all products are at all stores, or which ones are and
which ones aren't. I will find out. I know the Stockton warehouse is
the supplier for Northern California and north.