Seen a slight change
In article >, Nils Lahmann
> wrote
>Richard Herring wrote:
>> In article .com>,
>> STJones > wrote
>>>And Space Cowboy, to inform you, its my decision to create my profile
>>>or not. Don't tell me what to do? It was just a question about the new
>>>things added to the group and there is nothing to get upset about. I
>>>was aware of people like you exists in this world, but you have really
>>>proved it.
>>>Friends is there anything wrong with my topic or question??? TO ALL.
>> Only that half the world accesses Usenet newsgroups via news servers and
>> news client applications, not via Google, so your question will be
>> meaningless to them.
>I think, it's even more than half the world.
That was a statistician's "a priori" 50% ;-)
> If one is using
>newsgroups on a regular basis, a newsreader is essential. Not to mention
>dial-up. The Google interface might come in handy, when you're limited to
>http-access on trips.
It's handy for searching.
Just to keep on topic - any suggestions for a UK supplier of good
Richard Herring >