Local Snack/Street Food
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ms. tonya
external usenet poster
Posts: 151
Local Snack/Street Food
I got back to Hong Kong recently. And am reminded about all the
wonderful street food and snacks - both savory and sweet. One is egg
balls (sweet) they are hollow inside. Simple and great when eaten when
it's just made.
I would like to know about your favourite local snack or street food and
the like from where you live? May include photo as well.
Metro Detroit Response: Only time I see sidewalk vendors in downtown
Detroit area is during pro sports games & our Fireworks Freedom Festive
held on the Detroit River.
Here in the suburbs only during special events but the prices are so
high on the simple foods they sell that most people including myself eat
@ home beforehand than pay $5.00 for a Thorn Apple hot dog.
Few years back a chap had the idea to peddle coney islands like they do
in New York in a city that has coney island restaurants in every
direction you turn.
People here didn't take to this concept plus a few restaurant owners
what I understand told him to pack up and go east or else.
That was the last time I've seen a food pebblier here,even Lowes rented
space outside their lobby for a hot dog vendor and local restaurant
business growled loud enough he was gone within a month.
Too bad because his coneys were pretty good.
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ms. tonya
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