iSi Cream Dispenser - 'Bigger' & Cheaper Alternative To N20 Chargers?
Hi Pete C,
Many thanks for your helpful feedback.
I have contacted iSi (manufacturer of my dispensers) and asked about
the psi pressure in a typical dispenser when properly charged from the
standard N20 charges.
>From other feedback in Google Groups, ppl seem to indicate that this
should be between 30-50 psi.
And your idea of a " flow meter on the big tank after the regulator so
you have a visual indication of the N2O flow and a suitable valve after
that" is a good one - I will ask the industrial gas company I am seeing
about this too.
Well, I should have something tangible to work with ... err, test ...
in the next week or so!
Will post results once they're in!
Thanks again.