Do lobsters have feelings?
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Posted to,alt.politics.greens
Mark Shaw
external usenet poster
Posts: 15
Do lobsters have feelings?
> Do lobsters have feelings? The reason that I axe is that on a cooking
> show recently(Mike Smiths') a live lobster was steamed to death. It
> was put into a pot with a little water and then covered and the heat
> turned on. Did this lobster suffer for a long time?
You mean, I presume, to ask whether they feel pain - not
whether they get misty-eyed when watching romantic movies
or listening to Barry White albums.
The answer is "no." Their nervous systems are pretty damn
If you're at all squeamish, though, you can kill then quickly
by plunging a good stout knife down through the head and then
bringing it down and forward, bisecting the head. Or you can
put them in the freezer for about 15 minutes, which basically
puts them to sleep, before you boil or steam them.,00.html
Mark Shaw
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Mark Shaw
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