Lobsters die instantly when shocked, ie: by dropping them on the floor,
knocking them against the counter, etc. Steam is hotter than water, so
steaming them will cook them faster than dropping them in a pot of boiling
water if you keep the lid on.
I have not heard anything about the east coast lobster population being in
any sort of trouble. Lobsters migrate, so over a period of several years,
the harvest in say, New England will drop, while the harvest in Gaspe will
increase, as herds of millions of lobsters march across the ocean floor from
place to place. Different locations have bumper years and then cycle to
very poor years.
> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> Do lobsters have feelings? The reason that I axe is that on a cooking
>> show recently(Mike Smiths') a live lobster was steamed to death. It
>> was put into a pot with a little water and then covered and the heat
>> turned on. Did this lobster suffer for a long time?
> They have senses for sure, just like we humans who rule the earth. I
> suspect they also can sense impending death - a necessary item for
> survival and evolution. But I am not knowledgeable about lobsters. I
> cannot eat them any more unless it is packaged meat and I don't see the
> claws and eyes. They are being depleted too much in the wild also? I
> may have read that there is a problem there too.
> I have a feeling that being put into a pot and steamed to death is not
> a way to go.
> Too reminiscent of the Spanish Inquisition.
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