What should I buy at TJ's?
"Karen" > wrote in message
> Dee Randall wrote:
>> Are you sure -- I've been livin' on that stuff -- soo good. I just bought
>> some the 3rd of this month. Where did you hear this?
> I think we're talking about the same thing. The humongous Ghiradelli
> chocolate bars, right? Since Nestle bought Ghiradelli, they can no
> longer offer the big bars at that price and TJs decided to discontinue
> them. If your TJs has them, it's probably back stock and you should
> stock up while you can.
> Karen
The "humongous Chiradelli chocolate bars" that I buy are actually chunks of
I don't know what, as I never see them except in anything but chunks. They
are not wrapped in anything except saran-type covering with a weighing
sticker on it. I buy them at all difference prices, but still @ $3.49 a lb.
Are we on the same page?
Dee Dee