Quiznos Subs
Jude wrote:
> salgud wrote:
> > Did someone say that Quizno's invented the hot sub? I don't remember
> > reading that, must be getting old.
> > I agree that many local mom & pop sub shops make a better sub than
> > Quizno's. Unfortunately, I live in Denver, Co, and I have yet to find
> > one of those. Compared to the alternatives, Quizno's is pretty good.
> > Someone above mentioned trying their Philly Cheese Steak and being
> > dissappointed. Me too. Their Italian and some of their own inventions
> > are much better.
> Oh, I've got a great hole-in-the-wall in Denver I'd like to point you
> to. My memory of where it is is a little hazy but maybe I can get you
> there........let's see, it's called dayight Donuts, and it's off of
> I-70 in Golden. There's an exit where I always stay when I come into
> town for shows at Red Rocks.......there's a Sleep Inn and a fairfield
> Inn and a steakhouse, all together, plus what used to be an IHOP but is
> something else now. Right next to that is a little shopping center with
> the Donut place i it; They have WONDERFUL middle eastern food----
> felafel, babaghnoush, lentil soup, gyros - and the feta cheese is
> handmade by the owner's wife! Great donuts, too.
> Our joke is that we call it All Quaida Donuts, becasue last time we
> were there (last summer), we went in two dys in a row. First day the
> guy (Arab guy) was really friendly, etc. Second day, we came in and
> yelled into the back, "See? Toldya we'd be back again today!" He
> laughed and said he'd be right with us.....well, while we waited, we
> listened to the Middle Eastern music he was playing, and our eye was
> caught by his computer. He was watching Al-Jezeira (sp?) network! As
> soon as he came into the room and noticed us staring at his monitor,
> off went the music, off went the computer, on went the radio of
> American pop hits. While we were eating, 3 Midlle Eastern guys came in
> and they all huddled and whispered in the corner, pointedly looking
> over their shoulder at us as we ate..........we weren't sure if many
> folks like us come through their shop.
> But to this day, it's the best Feta cheese I've ever eaten!
> ps, not in any way trying to racial profile I hope the humor of the
> situation came through. It was definitely weird, though!
Thanks! If I get out that way, I'll go look for it.