Country style pork ribs, best wau to cook?
channeltool wrote:
> HI, what is the best way to prepare country pork ribs which will give
> me a tender result. Yes I could go to FoodTV but that will only give
> me a recipe. I want suggestions an do's and don't of cooking them.
> Thanks
Put them in a lasagna pan and bake for about 2 hours at 250 degrees F,
pour off most of the grease and they're ready to eat.
If you want to pretend they are barbecued ribs, pour a little bottled
barbecue sauce on them, turn them over and sauce the other side. Put
back in the oven until the sauce dries out a little and forms a glaze.
Or add drained sauerkraut and a little brown sugar and caraway seeds and
bake until the kraut is hot and soft.
I did the fake barbecue thing last week. I used some barbecue sauce I'd
made a while back with tomato sauce, onions, some old apricot habanero
jelly (it seemed like a good idea when I made it, but it was too
vinegary), and a little liquid smoke. There's one leftover "rib" in the
fridge that I will eat tonight if nobody beats me to it.
Best regards,