darn it. search for "wu chi dao" using the
http://groups.google.com/group/rec.food.drink.tea page and it comes up.
I haven't tried that particular puerh, but I have noticed that larger
leaf green puerh tends to be more mild and drinkable young than some
smaller leaf varieties. Even then, it varies. I found that the Green
Label organic cake from Six Famous Tea Mountain was good young, buttery
like having green tea and a croissant. I reviewed it on LJ he
http://community.livejournal.com/puerh_tea/6194.html , also milder and
easy to drink was the "Yi Wu Zhengshan" cake (CNNP?)
http://community.livejournal.com/puerh_tea/5468.html .
There are a couple of cakes I thought were difficult and bitter when
young, and if you or your father like the bitter flavors they would be
a good choice. Of course, shorter steeps and lower temps usually lead
to less bitter tea...so possibly any cake might be a good place to
start. Tuo cha is where most people start, and it seems to be the most
affordable. Anyway,
http://community.livejournal.com/puerh_tea/ has
some of my and others' reviews if you care to look at them.
What I don't know is if the studies that support puerh's medicinal uses
for cholesterol/blood pressure focused on the effects of young green
puerh, cooked puerh, or aged puerh. I think pu-erh.net has a "medicinal
claims" page, but I haven't perused that particular batch of links yet.
Mike also lists some recommendations on pu-erh.net , too, and I always
think getting a few samples from Jing, Hou De, or wherever you can find
them is a good way to play the field and see what you would like more
of. In fact, I just received about 10 samples from Jing today and about
6 samples from Hou De last week. So far, Hou De's samples show they
lean towards more ageable (i.e. strong flavored and/or bitter) cakes,
but I really liked their "2004 6FTM Limited Yi Wu Zheng Shan Wild
Arbor" cake, which was so floral it was like having jasmine tea! I
think you can find it much cheaper on ebay from yunnansourcing, but
shipping is from china and can take a while, but Hou De ships from
Texas so if you're in the US you'll get it quick.
Anyway this is dragging so I'll stop.