cathyxyz wrote:
> How'bout you post a recipe for "crow". Must be an original one tho'
> (wouldn't want you to be accused of plagiarism, now would we?) and a
> pic of you actually eating said crow would be nice too
You start with a normal frozen pie shell
put 2 whole pre-plucked crows in the shell
(make sure you chop the lips and feet off first)
1 Can of Green Giant Adzuki Beans
1 Can Del Monte Prickly Pears
dice up some Wax Gourd and Jicama and put it on there too
some people prefer Turnips in the dice mix..I don't like them on my
crow pie
sprinkle sprinkle on 1 cup of Kraft shredded mozzerella
(stir it just a little bit)
meanwhile...beat up 5 Egglands Best eggs get them nice and frothy.
let them chill for a few mins before pouring them over the crow pie.
sprinkle a small handful of marjoram seed
this is an open face pie!
Finally! preheat the oven to 269 deg, slide the pie in and let it bake
for an hour
or until the marjoram begans to split, yule see the juices running out