George Shirley wrote:
> Jennyanniedots wrote:
> > I bought a little bag of what I believe are kumquats (little
> > olive-shaped orange citrus fruits) at the Asian market. I have no idea
> > how to eat them. Suggestions?
> Oblong jobs? Probably the tart kumquat. I have both the round and the
> oblong, the round ones are sweet and have 4 seeds each, the oblong are
> generally seedless. Wash and dry then just eat, you eat peel and all, do
> it outside and you can just spit the seeds in the air. My youngest
> grandkids (7 & 5) and both my greatgrands (5 & 2), love to eat the
> things. My Dad taught me how to stand around a bush of them and eat and
> spit, I taught both my kids, and they taught theirs, etc.
What do you mean teach how to eat from a bush and spit... are you
talking chimpanzees?