On 15 Feb 2006 17:49:22 -0800, "Jennyanniedots" >
>I bought a little bag of what I believe are kumquats (little
>olive-shaped orange citrus fruits) at the Asian market. I have no idea
>how to eat them. Suggestions?
I like kumquat salsa cruda on smoked foul. You need to split the
quats and remove the seeds. It's the peel that's good, not the flesh.
Anyhow mince them up with some habanero, some finely diced cucumber,
some finely diced red onion, some olive oil and some cilantro. S&P
and let sit for 20-30 minutes.
Also I posted this on rfc back in 1998:
[quote old post]
Some friends came for drinks and dinner last night. I did duck. (Who
hasn't from time to time?)
I got a frozen duckling at the supermarket Wednesday and let it thaw
in the fridge till Sat. Following advice gleaned from here on rfc, I
scored the skin and steamed the lil duckie over strong tea for about
45 minutes while the smoker fire got up and running. Smoking time
came to about 3 1/2 hours at a temp that hovered at 250 F, but ranged
upwards periodically. Smoke came from pecan wood and shells.
When the bird was done and fragrant, I pulled the meat off the bones
and diced it. To this I added about 2 Tblsp minced red onion, a half
dozen or so seeded and minced kumquats, a dash or two of Buffalo brand
chipotle sauce, juice of a lime, 1/4 cup chopped toasted pecans, and
(at Donna's suggestion) about 1/2 cup shredded red cabbage for crunchy
goodness. Smoked duck salad.
I made a chipotle mayo and a roasted chile sauce (Thai roasted chile
paste, lime juice, nuoc mam, sugar) for optional dressings for my
guests and served the duck salad with sliced French bread --or at
least what passes for French bread in Cow Hill, alas.
Donna made a black bean and corn salad with lime and cilantro. I also
made a mango and avocado salsa cruda with jalapeno, lime, red onion
and cilantro, which was very tasty, BTW.
Our friends brought a white pizza (ready to bake in our oven) and a
big lettuce salad to which Brit added arugula from our garden. M. M.
brought his prize-winning pecan pie for dessert.
Very good eating out here on the prairie sometimes.
[end quote]
Well, it's an idea.