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Default Country style pork ribs, best wau to cook?

>Bubbabob writes:
>>" BOB" wrote:
>> Rub them well with salt and black pepper (fresh ground)
>> Grill 'em over a lump charcoal or wood fire. 250° to 300° F until the
>> meat pulls back from the ends of the rib bones and/or the meat cracks
>> when you bend two adjacent bones. It will *almost* fall off the bone,
>> but if it actually does, then you've over cooked 'em.
>> BOB

>There aren't any rib bones in 'country ribs'. They aren't ribs. They're
>usually scraps from the shoulder but they can be almost any scrap piece
>of pork except ribs.
>Because they come from so many different parts of the pig, the texture
>and composition vary widely.


---= BOYCOTT FRENCH--GERMAN (belgium) =---
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