salgud wrote:
>>>I agree that many local mom & pop sub shops make a better sub than
>>>Quizno's. Unfortunately, I live in Denver, Co, and I have yet to find
>>>one of those.
>>Look harder, there has to be one. In my area there are at least six
>>really good ones and you find them by asking around or asking someone
>>where they got that great (looking and smelling) sub they are eating.
>>And if you want a real treat and are in an area with an Asian population
>>look for a banh mi shop. They are a Vietnamese "sub" with interesting
>>ingredients and just happen to be toasted.
> I'll drop everything, including my son's wedding, and get right on it!
OK, got to address the important stuff first..
> I've heard of one in S Denver, but I rarely go anywhere near that part
> of town. I know they exist, but haven't found one anywhere close to
> where I travel.
> As for the Asian sandwich, sounds delicious, and the next time I'm over
> in that part of town, and have some time, I'll ask around. Of course,
> it might be 5 yrs before that happens!
> As for "asking around", part of the problem here, is that, like in this
> NG, I don't know many people here in Denver that know what a good sub
> sandwich is. Most of them, like the posters here, think Subway is just
> great. They don't want "chewy" bread. They've never had a "good sub"
> like you get back east, and grew up on Wonder Bread. Actually, I grew
> up on Wonder Bread, but have learned to appreciate real bread and won't
> touch American white bread with a ten foot pole. To me, it can't be a
> "good sub" without some good bread, and then the other ingredients
> follow from there. Good bread is very rare here. Suprisingly, the best
> European style bread I can get here is at Safeway's bakery! And I can
> get American style good bread and Great Harvest. Thanks goodness. But
> subs made with that kind of bread, hard to find. I can't remember
> seeing a real Hoagie roll anywhere.
> OTOH, we get 300 days a yr of sunshine!
I think a few weeks of snow and cold is better than having only
industrial food.
I agree about the wonder bread. A good sub needs a good roll that is a
little crispy and has real texture. Most of the real sub places in my
area use rolls made by a great local Italian bakery.
Sometimes your nose will hope you find real subs. I was working at a
location where I don't really know the area. There was the unmistakable
aroma of a really good sub coming from the break room across the hall. I
went over and asked and it turns out there was a mom & pop sub shop two
blocks away.
>>Compared to the alternatives, Quizno's is pretty good.
>>>Someone above mentioned trying their Philly Cheese Steak and being
>>>dissappointed. Me too. Their Italian and some of their own inventions
>>>are much better.
>>>As for the Bob commercials, they make me want to go to some other
>>>sandwich place, just to let them know how stupid I think those
>>>commericials are. I think the first "talkie" had a talking baby in it.
>>>There have been so many movies/tv shows/commercials with talking babies
>>>over the years, not a good one yet. Pathetic, at best!