Thread: BARLEY
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default BARLEY

Nix wrote:
> There seem to be a lot of different types of Barley - pearl barley, pot
> barley etc. What are the differences, which is best for you and do you
> have any suitable recipies?

Suitable recipes... I haven't a clue, I'm not you.

This hardy grain dates back to the Stone Age and has been used
throughout the eons in dishes ranging from cereals to breads to soups
(such as the famous SCOTCH BROTH). Most of the barley grown in the
Western world is used either for animal fodder or, when malted, to make
beer and whiskey. Hulled (also called whole-grain ) barley has only the
outer husk removed and is the most nutritious form of the grain. Scotch
barley is husked and coarsely ground. Barley grits are hulled barley
grains that have been cracked into medium-coarse pieces. Hulled and
Scotch barley and barley grits are generally found in health-food
stores. Pearl barley has also had the bran removed and has been steamed
and polished. It comes in three sizes - coarse, medium and fine -
and is good in soups and stews. When combined with water and lemon,
pearl barley is used to make barley water, an old-fashioned restorative
for invalids. Barley flour or barley meal is ground from pearl barley
and must be combined with a gluten-containing flour for use in yeast

© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995 based on THE FOOD
LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.