2004 Mengku Wu Chi Dao Wild Large Leaf
Mydnight wrote:
> >How did you brew it? Try water around 195f and short, very short
> >infusions. Green puerh does not really become smooth until it has
> >20-30 years under it's belt.
> Sorry, ya'll, I forgot about the quoting thing.
> I sed in relation to the above quote:
> I'm sorta weirded out right now. I've found all the tea merchants here
> and elsewhere to be such liars and fakers, that I am willing to believe
> that there is such a small amount of tea that's even older than 10
> years old left, that it barely ever goes on market. You have no idea
> how many times I've been told "this tea is x" years old even by
> merchants that I've dealt with. So far, I've only found one guy that
> doesn't lie to much, and most of his tea kinda sucks.
> I've stored 2 boxes of Menghai Fang Cha for 2 years and it's decently
> smooth now. What the hell, right? I don't consider myself to have
> more knowledge than anybody else when it comes to Pu'er, but this has
> really got me thinking how much can we really trust.
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I've been wondering about this same thing. The Chinese tea industry in
this area was never organized and controlled like the French wine
industry. Then a lot of the factories seem to have started recently.
I'm reluctant to try something expensive without a lot of confirmation
that I'm actually getting what I thought I was based on the merchant's