Disappointed in SuperTarget's meat dept.!
Jack Schidt® wrote:
> "alzelt" > wrote in message
> ...
>>Jack Schidt® wrote:
>>>I think it's more like they're watering the stock and hoping no one
> notices.
>>>Kinda like 6 oz containers of yogurt suddenly appearing and sold at the
>>>price of 8 oz. We have 3 major chains of grocery stores around here and
> 2
>>>of them sell the Hormel pork. The other sells the unbrined stuff, so I
> buy
>>>meat there when I can't make it to the local butcher (he closes
> earlier).
>>>As for it's the direction we're ultimately headed.....probably, just
> like
>>>farmed fish.
>>>People have to decide what they want. If you want everything to be
> cheap,
>>>then you're gonna have to live with some shortcuts. If you want
> quality,
>>>you're gonna have to pay for it. Anyone notice why [non-food] stuff is
> so
>>>cheap nowadays? Look where it's made.
>>>Jack Walton
>>Say Jack,
>>Do you have any Whole Foods in your area. Their pork products are really
>>good, as is their beef and cluckers. I've given up on brining because of
>>their good pork and chickens.
> I have a place called 'Wild Oats' which is related to 'Bread and Circus'
> which is probably related to Whole Foods (These aren't passive operations -
> they're as businesslike as anyone else; read 'shark'). It's about an hour
> from my house and I shop there when I'm in that area.
> Otherwise, my local supermarket carries free range chicken, hormone free
> beef and unbrined pork. The local small grocery and local butcher carries
> unbrined pork as well.
> I agree with you on the brining; for me it depends on the day and my mood,
> but it's not absolutely necessary.
> Jack Carne
We made a huge discovery about three years ago at Thanksgiving. Up until
that time, I always brined my turkey. One day I was browsing through
butcher departments at upscale supermarkets and organic shops and
noticed that they were all selling free range turkeys at a very low
price (compared to normal). If I remember, last year I paid about
$.75/lb for organic free range. The taste, juiciness and tenderness was
fantastic. Since I buy turkey about once a year, the need to buy a
steroid bird at $.25/lb is ludicrous. In fact, I noticed that
compliments for my turkey dinners went up when free range hit the menu.
"If you reject the food, ignore the customs, fear the religion, and
avoid the people, you might better stay home."
--James Michener