200 Proof
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Food Snob
external usenet poster
Posts: 452
200 Proof
> I got word back from the state in one day! about that 200 Proof I
> thought I purchased a long time ago. Apparently I was right. They did
> sell it at one time so my memory is okay, thanks guys for the doubts
> but now you need a special permit and a reason to purchase it.
> essence of the email I received, minus phone numbers and what not:
> Sorry to say but this product is no longer available to the public.
> The only way this is obtainable is if your are a hospital,Dr.'s
> office, etc...
> And they must apply for a permit to purchase it.
> Special Services Department
Purifying ethanol to purity is a silly waste of resources if you're
going to drink it. The process is laborious and expensive. The
difference between 190 and 200 is not meaningful for consumption, but
getting out that last 5% of water is not easy. Water and ethanol like
each other, a lot.
Drinking concentrations of ethanol higher than you can achieve with
fermentation (and that includes fortified wines like port) is icky.
Training your body to accept such w/o retching is training it to accept
poison. I'll stick with 4-10% beers, or wines that are natural (though
I'm not really big on wine anyway).
The reason they restrict the pure shit is probably because they figure
you're using it for something related to illegal drugs or something.
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Food Snob
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